Super Juice Maker
Sago Mini, 2018-2019, iOS/Android/Amazon
I interned at Sago Mini in the summer of 2018 during Super Juice Maker's development. After completing the tasks planned for interns well ahead of schedule, I was put on the Super Juice development team for the remaining four months.
I was drawn to Sago Mini's community and team-focused studio culture whilst searching for internship opportunities. Their reputation for producing best-in-class apps for kids sealed the deal, and I was thankful to land the job!
Process & Challenges
Sago Mini Super Juice Maker was a big step-up in terms of challenge and complexity for me. While I had worked with many different programmers and their projects during college, this was the first time I worked inside a significant existing code-base with code standards. Needless to say, I learnt a lot about how bigger projects, and codebases, are organized and leveraged. I still think about that codebase, haha, it had so many great tools!
During the week, we would scrum once, discussing playtesting feedback and setting short-term goals, then disperse for mostly independent development. At this time in my career I was very hesistant to ask for help (after all, that stubbornness had spurred me to great effect at the college), but now I found it holding me back! Learning to be ok with asking for help was one of the key takeaways from the internship for me, something I have continued to temper and grow in successive years.
The 'Taps' was one of three machines I made- it colorizes drinks!

Unity Developer
Implemented 2/6 playable Juice Machines (Glass swapper, taps, and another cut machine)
Integrated systems and features alongside existing architecture and coding conventions
Prototyped alternate machine interfaces for weekly playtesting
Participated in weekly scrums and design discussions
I love the 'muscles + star eyes' transformation for Harvey!